2 Gardens in Auckland

We saw 2 beautiful gardens today, one a converted quarry and the other a 6 star New Zealand garden.


This garden was started in 1964 and is on 5 1/2 acres in the site of an old quarry.

It is a very steep site so there are beautiful views of Auckland at the top.

There is a cafe at the base of the slope and benches all along the steep paths.

The pathways are lined with many colorful Bromeliads, Azaleas, ferns, Clivias and other shade tolerant plants:

One of the ways the garden supports itself is by selling markers and interments in the garden.People place the ashes of loved ones under plants that they donate or under markers or stones.


This is the largest garden that we will see on our tour. It has 5 full time gardeners and miles of paths. The head gardener speaks:

Here is a map of the garden:

The acres of lawn set off the plantings and provides a unifying effect for the garden:

The ponds and waterfalls beautifully add water to the garden and a natural sound:

The miles of paths give the traveler opportunities to view many beautiful plants:

Before 1964 there was nothing here except open fields. The distant views of trees and ponds look natural but they were created by the gardeners:

The swimming pool is a beautiful part of the garden; even the ducks like it:

Interesting Plants:

Monkey Puzzle Tree (Araucaria araucana)

Corokia cotoneaster

Meadowsweet (Filipendula vulgaris)

Poor Knight’s Lily

Firecracker Plant (Russelia equisetiformis)

Tomorrow: Hamilton Gardens and Hobbiton

One Comment Add yours

  1. elec1951 says:

    Amazing gardens in NZ! Loved the Eden Garden. Not fond of gardens with big lawns.

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